Dr. Harin H. Modi
M.B.B.S., M.S. (General Surgery), M.Ch. (Neuro Surgery)
12+ years of experience
Personal Information
Email id: drharinmodi14@gmail.com
Mobile: +91-98794 47754
OPD Timing
Monday to Saturday
9:00 am to 11:00 am
With Appointment
Full time SKULLBASE SURGERY AND ENDOSCOPIC NEUROSURGERY At Lifeline Multispeciality Hospital
- M.B.B.S., Surat Municipal Institute Of Medical Education & Research (SMIMER), Surat.
- M.S. General Surgery, Government Medical College, Surat.
- Speciality (2019): M.Ch. neurosurgery – Institute Of Post Graduate Medical Education & Research (I.P.G.M.E. & R.), Bangur Institute Of Neurosciences (B.I.N.), Kolkata.
- Speciality (2021): Endoscopic spine surgery fellowship (2021) at endospine center with Dr. Malcom Pestonji (International Faculty).
Work Experience
- Consultant Brain and Spine Neurosurgeon at Lifeline Multispecialty Hospital From 2020 to Cotinue
- Consultant Brain and Spine Neurosurgeon at KH Neuron Neuro Clinic From 2020 to Cotinue
- Thesis in GENERAL SURGERY; Oesophageal reconstruction in case of corrosive oesophageal injuries, a study of 35 cases & NEUROSURGERY; A prospective study of advantages and limitations of endoscopy assisted cranial microneurosurgery.
- Work experience of Skullbase microneurosurgery and Craniovertebral Junction surgeries under Prof.(Dr.) Atul Goel at K.E.M. Hospital Mumbai- Dept. of Neurosurgery.
- Attended 33rd AMASI skill course and FMAS (fellow in minimal access surgery) certification programme.
- Presented Paper on “An epidemiological analysis of Patients with spinal injuries presenting to Tertiary Care Hospital in Eastern India” at NSSICON 2018 organized by Neurological Surgeons Society of India.
- Attended Hands on workshop on Microvascular Anastomosis on Albino rats with Microdrilling organised by Johnson & Johnson in September, 2018.
- Attended Sano – Sengupta Academy for Aneurysm Surgery. An educational program organised by Institute of Neurosciences, Kolkata in October 2018.
- Presented Paper on “Retrospective Analysis of Ventriculo – Peritoneal Shunt Complications from a Single Tertiary Care Hospital.” At NSICON 2018 organised by NEUROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA.
- Original Article: a study on demographic profile, clinical presentation and management of cases with penetrating abdominal injuries. – National journal of medical research4/84/14 12th July, 2015.
- A case report and review of literature: intra-vesical foreign body-I.J.S.S. march-april2015, vol.1, issue-2.
- A case report: a thoracic syrinx with lumbar intramedullary abscess secondary to infected dermal sinus- journal of paediatric neurosurgery: paediatric submissions; PEDS15-107.
- Lipoma of Sylvian fissure. A case report – Asian Journal of Neurosurgery.
- Retrospective Analysis of Ventriculo – Peritoneal Shunt Complications from a Single Tertiary Care Hospital (Ongoing series).
- Epidemiological study on Management of Cerebral abscess in a Tertiary Care Centre in East India (Ongoing series).