Dr. Krupa Majmudar
BSC and MSC in Foods & Nutrition, Diploma in Naturopathy
12+ years of experience
Personal Information
Email id: vishvrang@gmail.com
Mobile: +91-99130 78184
OPD Timing
Monday to Saturday
11:00 am to 1:00 pm
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Dietician At Lifeline Multispeciality Hospital
- BSC in Foods & Nutrition, Sheth P.T.Mahila College of Arts & Home Science (SNDT WOMEN’S UNIVERSITY, MUMBAI), May 2010.
- MSC in Foods & Nutrition, Department of Home Science (S.P.UNIVERSITY, VALLABH VIDYANAGAR), June 2012.
- Diploma in Naturopathy, Nasik University (External), December 2012.
Work Experience
- Dietician at Slim Plus Health Care Services (part time), From July 2012-to 2013
- Chief Dietician Seventh Day Adventist Hospital (full time), From June 2012 to July 2014
- Dietician at LifeLine Multispeciality Hospital, From June 2014 to date (part time)
- Visiting Dietician at Laprocare Surgical Hospital
Project and Dissertation
- Project on “Effects of Soft drink consumption on mental health of young adolescents” in 2010
- Accomplished the dissertation thesis on “optimization of walnut-oat-whole wheat flour based bread and its impact on the blood lipemic response of mildly hypercholesterolemic subjects” M.Sc. 4th semester 2012
- Have attended 7th Annual National Conference of All India Association for Advancing Research in Obesity in Ahmedabad in March 2011.
- Participated in the poster presentation in International conference on Diabetes and its complications, organized at Changa in January 2013.
- Attended the National Seminar on Functional Foods: Managing Health in the Modern Age in Vallabh Vidyanagar in October 2011.
- Attended the seminar on “Modern Emerging Trends in Bakery Industry” held on 5th March, 2012, at school of baking, Anand Agriculture University, Anand.
- Presented a seminar on “healthy eating habits” organized for employee of the YOU broadband, Adajan on 28th January, 2013.
- I have offered a lecture on “anemia in adolescence” in Pragati Mandal School, organized by Ambuja Cement Company at Dumas on 19th January.
- Participated in a free medical checkup camp in MMP. highschool organized by Jiants Group of Citylight, Surat on 4th November, 2012.