Dr. Shobita Shah
DNB (Opthalmology), FCRS, MNAMS Cornea and Phaco Surgeon
Personal Information
Email id: shobitanair_2@yahoo.co.in
OPD Timing
Monday to Thursday
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Monday to Thursday
6.00 pm to 8:00 pm
With Appointment
Doctor at LifeLine Multispeciality Hospital
- Feb 2017 – Aug 2018 : Fellowship in Cornea And Microsurgery: Cornea Aravind Eye Hospital – Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu.
- Apr 2013 – Mar 2016 : Diplomate of National Board: Ophthalmlogy Arasan Eye Hospital – Erode, Tamil Nadu
- Sep 2005 – Jan 2011 : MBBS: Medicine American Institute of Medicine – University Of Seychelles
Work History
Feb 2017 – Mar 2021 : Consultant, Aravind Eye Hospital, Tirunelveli, India
- Worked as Cornea consultant for 18 months at Aravind Eye Hospital.
- Independently performed all types of corneal surgeries like full thickness and lamellar optical keratoplasties, therapeutic keratoplasties, patch grafts,pterygium excision with conjunctival autografts, excision biopsies, corneal collagen crosslinking, and amniotic membrane transplantation
- Performed 50+ Keratoplasty surgeries (Full thickness & Lamellar) independently and also trained junior fellows in performing corneal surgeries.
- Performed 200+ Phacoemulsification including topical phacos, performed Femtosecond Cataract surgery
Feb 2017 – Aug 2018 : Cornea Fellowship, Aravind Eye Hospital, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu
- 18 months work experience as Cornea fellow at Aravind Eye Hospital,
Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu. - Handling Cornea OPD and performing corneal surgeries independently in
Aravind Eye Hospital, Tamil Nadu during Cornea fellowship. - Performed 35+ therapeutic and 15+ optical penetrating keratoplasty withmany corneal tear repairs and 2000+ cataract surgeries.
- Published 3 original articles and 4 case reports in various national and international peer reviewed journals.
Mar 2016 – Aug 2016 : Junior Consultant, Arasan Eye Hospital, Erode, Tamil nadu
- Six months work experience as a SICS and Phacoemulsification cataractsurgery trainer for foreign and Indian ophthalmologists.
- Trained 15+ ophthalmologist in cataract surgery.
- Performed 25-30 Cataract surgery daily.
Apr 2013 – Mar 2016 : Resident Doctor, Arasan Eye Hospital, Erode, Tamil Nadu
- Trained to handle OPD independently in Arasan Eye Hospital, Tamil Nadu during DNB.
- Learned to perform Basic Ophthalmic procedures like Gonioscopy, IndirectOphthalmoscopy, A-scan, Keratometry, Corneal topography (Pentacam),Specular microscopy, USG B scan, FFA, OCT, AS-OCT, Nd:Yag capsulotomy,Nd:Yag iridotomy.
- Mastered art of Cataract surgery SICS (2500+) and Phacoemulsification (200+),pterygium surgery(50+), lid repairs and various other minor eye procedures.
- MNAMS – Membership of National Academy of Medical Sciences (India).
- AIOS – Member of All India Ophthalmological Society.
- TNOA – Member of Tamilnadu Ophthalmic Association.
- Keratoplasty (Full Thickness)
- Keratoplasty ( Lamellar)
- Corneal Trauma
- Phacoemulsification
- Small Incision Cataract Surgery
- Refractive Surgery
- Shobita Nair, Anitha Venugopal, Vinit J Shah and Meenakshi Ravindran “A Case Series of Conjunctival Rhinosporidiosis: Extremes of Presentation!!”. Acta Scientific Ophthalmology 3.8 (2020): 57-60.
- Vinit Shah, Syed Mohideen Abdul Khadar, Shobita Nair. Crystals in the Eye. Ann Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2020; 3(1): 1007.
- Vinit Shah, Shobita Nair,et al. “Evaluation of the Efficacy of Single Dose of Intravitreal Bevacizumab in the Management of Macular Edema due to Retinal Vein Occlusions”. Acta Scientific Ophthalmology 3.10 (2020): 12-19.
- Shah VJ, Khadar SM, Adeel SS, Shobita N. Fish eggs in the eye. TNOA J Ophthalmic Sci Res 2020;58:320-1.
- Nair Shobita., et al. “Correlation of Central Corneal Thickness with Refractive Errors and Corneal Curvature in the South Indian Population”. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 5.4 (2021):31-38.
- Gunderia A, Shah VJ, Khadar SM, Adeel SS, Ghorpade A, Nair S. Bilateral macular coloboma viewed through multimodal imaging. TNOA J Ophthalmic Sci Res 2021;59:101-2.
- Shah VJ, Abdul Khadar S, Reddy YC, Adeel S, Khader MA, Ramakrishnan R, Nair S, et al. Aurolab aqueous drainage implant in the vitreous cavity: Our modifications over the conventional technique of glaucoma implant surgery. Indian J Ophthalmol 2021;XX:XX-XX (Under Issue Preparation).
- Shah Vinit J, YC Venu Gopal Reddy, Syed Mohideen KA, Syed Saifuddin Adeel, Nair Shobita. Radiation retinopathy masquerading diabetic retinopathy. Int J Med Ophthalmol 2021;3(1):93-95.
- Talari S, Shah VJ, Khadar SM, Adeel SS, Nair S. Severe ischemic retinopathy with vasculitis and role of multimodal imaging in asymptomatic patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. TNOA J Ophthalmic Sci Res 2021;59:172-4 .
- Adeel SS, Khadar SM, Shah VJ, Nair S. A solitary retinal hemangioblastoma. TNOA J
Ophthalmic Sci Res 2021;59:208-9. - Shah Vinit J, YC Venu Gopal Reddy, Syed Mohideen KA, Syed Saifuddin Adeel, Nair
Shobita. Radiation retinopathy masquerading diabetic retinopathy. Int J Med Ophthalmol 2021;3(1):93-95.